Products and complete solutions from KoRo IBS have been proven in many projects in many years of use. For some examples of the performance of KoRo IBS, see the reference projects below. To read further, please open the reference files below.
Container Bridge/Kranwerke Mannheim AG

Container bridge of Kranwerke Mannheim AG for KALAG Karlsruhe, Germany
Reference (PDF file, 1.29 MB)
Crane above East River

Crane above East River: Bridge rehabilitation without complete closure
Reference (PDF file, 1.6 MB)
Gantry Crane / Kranbau Köthen

Gantry crane of Kranbau Köthen for RRD in Dortmund, Germany
Reference (PDF file, 1.27 MB)
Container Crane in Gdynia/Poland

Container crane at Gdynia harbour in Poland
Reference (PDF-Datei, 1.74 MB)